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Our Ministries

Get Connected.

Share The Way, The Truth, and

The Life with one another.

Mens Ministry Archery

Women's Ministry

Being a woman is a calling.  Onecho desires to confirm and grow all generations of women by providing an uplifting community of women who love and worship God. 


We offer:


Precepts Bible Study

Women's Events


Prayer Groups

Meal Ministry

Care Boxes

Nursing Home and Senior Ministry



Youth Room

Children's Ministry

Children are a blessing from the Lord! We believe that with all of our hearts. Our leaders are energetic and excited to include your son or daughter in our children's activities.


Sunday School 9:30-10:30am

Day Camp


Special Events


Onecho winter trees

Church Mission Field

This land was donated to Onecho in 1960 and has been farmed each year by men in our church to raise extra funding for many missionaries all over the world.  When the crops are ripe for harvest, we celebrate God's faithfulness with a picnic lunch and combine rides. You may see as many as 11 combines working together!  If you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact us at the bottom of this page.

Men's Ministry

Learn, support, train, encourage and model. Strive to be godly leaders and disciples of Jesus Christ.


We offer:


Men's Bible Study

Father Son Breakfasts with special guest speakers

Church Harvest Ministry

Work days and special projects


sign at the church

Youth Ministry

Todd and Jamie have been serving at our church for 20 years!  Guiding and encouraging youth to grow in Christ and to represent Him in their many activities.  They would love the opportunity to welcome your son or daughter into our group.  Helping them find their identity in Christ and making faith their own is our goal.


Ages - All events for JH and HS ages


Here are some of our youth activities:

Sunday Mornings: 9:30-10:30am

Wednesday Nights Dinner and Youth Group: 6:16-8:30 at Onecho

Special events

Family activities

Mission Trips

children learning

Pastoral Support

Call us. We would love to get a cup of coffee or catch a game. We are also here for you in difficult times with Biblical counsel and support.

Church harvest combines

©2024  Onecho Bible Church.

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