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Who Are The Chosen?
Welcome! If you live in the 99111 zip code, you should have received a DVD of The Chosen, Season 1, by now. We hope you're enjoying it!
I think we could all use some good news in 2020. As a church, we wanted to pass along this DVD series to you. It is a message of hope and compassion that Jesus brings through a relationship with Him.
This news has changed our lives, just as it changed Simon and Andrew and Mary. We may not always live it perfectly, but we are trying to be more like Jesus each day. God's news is worth sharing with our friends and neighbors! We value you. Jesus loves each and every one of us, enough to die for all of our sins.
We hope you have enjoyed this series and would love to
hear your thoughts below! We're not going to try to sell
you anything or put you on some church list. We simply
would like to connect with you if you have questions or
comments about the DVD or Jesus or our church or
anything really.
Also, if you would like to receive a copy of The Chosen,
season two (set to release in April), let us know! Along
with info on how you'd like to receive it. In addition, let
us know if you prefer a DVD or Blu-Ray disc!
Onecho Bible Church
The Chosen is:
the first-ever multi-season show about Jesus
the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all-time at $10 million from over 19,000 people
translated into 50 languages and counting
consistently ranked in the top 50 entertainment apps on ios and android
completely free to watch on our app that connects directly to streaming devices with no fee or subscription necessary
generating income for future seasons when viewers choose to "pay it forward" after viewing
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